Can He Only Be Your Friend With a Stipulation Attached?

A meaningful friendship is doing things for one another without expecting anything in return...

Why do some men think that if they can't eventually get "frisky" in your pants then there is no point of being your friend at all? Really?! That is sad.

Not all male/female friendships are meant to end up in a "friends with benefits" situation. To assume that being friends with a woman includes "benefits" is ridiculous...

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Are We Creating a Longer Path to Finding Love?

When we create too many expectations we end up distancing ourselves from finding love.

Thinking that there is a perfect Prince Charming will make finding love as hard as finding a four leaf clover.

Believing that there is a man who is flawless will end up creating a lot of disappointment. Setting the bar too high for what we expect in a man will only keep us single.

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